Saturday, December 8, 2007

We should all buy one shoe with spikes on the bottom and hit the ice rink with the deck. Some major sliding

Monday, December 3, 2007

We should rename this "SledTooMuchNotEnough" and we can go sledding all the time!#@!#!@#!@

We can stand on our sleds and it will be like skateboarding!#!#!@

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We should change the name of this blog to "NeverstatetoomuchNotEough" :( Does that make sense? oh well

Does anyone want to go out for a bit maybe Friday!!!!????!!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Anyone up for skating tonight (Sunday Night)?

Anyone want to go skating tonight?
Haven't been for awhile. I miss it. :(

Thursday, October 18, 2007

hot beets?

Check out our new source of jams while we are skating around:

The Saitek A-250 2.1 speaker system
It's about the length from my elbow to the end of my palm. The cool thing about it is it receives Bluetooth wireless signals for sound... meaning I can use my phone as the source of music!

I can go about 30 feet away from it, so the most useful use in my mind would be at some place like the elementary school where I could set it down with my phone next to it and just let it pump out on the ground.

It is small and light enough to carry while skating, but I'd be kind of afraid of dropping it :/

It'll be cool to test it out, anyway !
oh god, last night was a bad idea. my ankle is killing me.
how about you Eric?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Does anyone want to maybe go skate boarding tonight?

It's been sooo long.... I haven't skated for a while but does any one want to try and do the umass route?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

So Young...So Good.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A cheap Zelda reference.

I put some useful Links on the other blog on the right-hand side including a link to here, in case you don't like a thousand bookmarks.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I feel as though that diagram provided below is a perfect illustration of why I was the coolest kid in my neighborhood during my younger years. And Andre, that thing that is growing on your midsection looks rather painful. And Eric, I hope your legs are healing well. Both of you rest up!


What do you guys think about getting protective gear - i.e. HELMETS

What if you fall backwards - my arms don't reach back that far to stop the fall!

Thoughts plzkthxbye

Monday, October 8, 2007

Biggest, Craziest Bruise EVER

So when Andre fell one night, I thought he was being dramatic about how much his side hurt. The next day it was a little red and I still thought "would he stop complaining about this, it doesn't even look that bad!" Well, I take that all back because well....look at it!! Sorry Andre..I believe you now!

UMASS night run

The night is not just for the basket ball courts any more!
Neil and I were surfing at our normal spot last night, when BLAM we were like "we should skate down the parking garage on campus" Neil Chucked his Pabst Blue Ribbon at the nearest trash receptacle, and we hit the streets.
the garage was sweet n' smooth we only took the two top floors because there was a guard on the fourth floor, and we didn't want to pop a cap or nothin...
so then we skated past the library and took some keen bomb dives on the hill next to the FAC. after that we took the long route back to the car Neil almost went off a cliff because he hadn't been on campus in so long.
that how it all went down. hope you can all join us next time, and i hope you found the map a useful guild. hope to see you all tonight if the weather is good.

Shinny shin shin - Day 6-10

The day after my X-ray, I called the doctor's office to get the results. They told me that there was no bone injury (i.e., stress fracture, etc.) and that it was just a muscle-related and to continue just taking Aleve and icing it for another week or so.

Well, it's Monday now, and my leg basically feels the same as it did last week. No better - No worse - just the same. This is really kind of frustrating and I wish I had gotten a 3-phase bone-scan in the first place so I could be totally sure. The doctor seemed like he had a hangover that day and I don't know if I'll go back to him (although it was conveniently located in Amherst).

I tried doing a couple pushes on the board yesterday on my driveway, but I got the oh-so-familiar sparks of pain in my lower left leg. When's it going to end??!

(yes, another pointless camera phone picture)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Shinny shin shin - Part 5.5b

Well, I went to the doc today. After some paperwork and a very short wait, I was in the room with Dr. Coppola, who told me just as my manager told me: I probably have shin splints and will want to keep off the leg for a week or two. If the pain's not gone by then, I will have to get a bone scan or a CAT scan, but for now, an X-Ray will suffice. So.....
So there I was. Yeah, that's me. Click the picture for the life-size view as seen through my phone. Me and a 300 pound piece of equipment hovering over me. Here's what the woman said when I walked into the radiology room. I put her probable thoughts in brackets:

"Take your [smelly] shoe and sock off and lay on this [really hard] table and we will [take our sweet time and] take your x-ray [from 6 different angles] of your leg [while we put this tiny square of lead over you crotch so we don't fry your balls]."

WHat a day. I get to wait until tomorrow for the diagnosis. - IF the xray shows enough detail.

Shinny shin shin - Day 5.0

In just a little while, I'm going to be heading out of work and into my doctor's appointment with my new Primary Care Physician. Wham!

Hopefully, I will just get a easy-going diagnosis and be told to just stay off for a little while. Bam!

I can't afford to not do anything on that leg for too long though! Maybe just taking some kind of naproxen will help my dorsaflexors from bothering me too much. Thank ya ma'am!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


what time do we skate tonight? for skating...Mclovin it!

Shinny shin shin - Day 4

Days 1-3:
My shin started hurting the other day, but I didn't know why. I kept on skating because I thought it was just normal muscle pains, but then it got real painful. The first couple nights, I didn't care and kept on doing coleman slides, but I'm pretty sure that was a not-so-smart idea.

Day 4:
Well, it's day four of my shin problem. Still am not sure what is going on, but I've been doing lots of research.

Teh interw3b tells me that shin splints hurt on most of the shin and last only a little while and are helped by small exercises to gain shin muscle. Stress fractures are more centralized in pain and take a long time to heal.

My manager, who is a long-time hardcore athlete tells me that his shin splints in the past were similar to the pains that I have been having - a small spot of pain that kills when you touch it. He explains that what happens is lots of stress over time make the leathery lining under the shin bone start to detach. Stress fractures are when this lining is so far gone that it starts taking fragments off of the bone. GROSS.

I have an appointment with a doctor in Amherst tomorrow. Might be out of skating for 2 or 3 weeks...months?? ahh!

The feeling of gliding on smooth pavement is like nothing else, and I'm missing out.

Extreme Skipping!

I love this spoof on MTV's Scarred. I know it's not skateboard related, but it seemed appropriate in this section.

It Hurts!

In the past week we have skated more than anything else. it is rivaling Smash Brothers with the added bounus of being all inclusive in our group. we are hurting, we are broken, we are addicted. i will see you all out there tonight. untill then if you all are like me (which i know you are) you have been all over the internet trying to fill your brains with skating tidbits, and is my board cool enough, and whats the first trick i can learn. well here is where we shaire it all. just like we all are shairing the skating experience at night so too should we shair the learning experience during the day. maybe also a few gripes about new boo-boos