Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It Hurts!

In the past week we have skated more than anything else. it is rivaling Smash Brothers with the added bounus of being all inclusive in our group. we are hurting, we are broken, we are addicted. i will see you all out there tonight. untill then if you all are like me (which i know you are) you have been all over the internet trying to fill your brains with skating tidbits, and is my board cool enough, and whats the first trick i can learn. well here is where we shaire it all. just like we all are shairing the skating experience at night so too should we shair the learning experience during the day. maybe also a few gripes about new boo-boos


Dev said...

It's so great that we all went out and bought skateboards...who would have thought? Now we just have to get Matt and Tiffany to buy one too. We need to come up with a name for our skater gang!

André said...

Sick!!! :)

EriC said...

I'm still stickin with Lords n' Laties!
