Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Shinny shin shin - Part 5.5b

Well, I went to the doc today. After some paperwork and a very short wait, I was in the room with Dr. Coppola, who told me just as my manager told me: I probably have shin splints and will want to keep off the leg for a week or two. If the pain's not gone by then, I will have to get a bone scan or a CAT scan, but for now, an X-Ray will suffice. So.....
So there I was. Yeah, that's me. Click the picture for the life-size view as seen through my phone. Me and a 300 pound piece of equipment hovering over me. Here's what the woman said when I walked into the radiology room. I put her probable thoughts in brackets:

"Take your [smelly] shoe and sock off and lay on this [really hard] table and we will [take our sweet time and] take your x-ray [from 6 different angles] of your leg [while we put this tiny square of lead over you crotch so we don't fry your balls]."

WHat a day. I get to wait until tomorrow for the diagnosis. - IF the xray shows enough detail.

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