Monday, October 8, 2007

UMASS night run

The night is not just for the basket ball courts any more!
Neil and I were surfing at our normal spot last night, when BLAM we were like "we should skate down the parking garage on campus" Neil Chucked his Pabst Blue Ribbon at the nearest trash receptacle, and we hit the streets.
the garage was sweet n' smooth we only took the two top floors because there was a guard on the fourth floor, and we didn't want to pop a cap or nothin...
so then we skated past the library and took some keen bomb dives on the hill next to the FAC. after that we took the long route back to the car Neil almost went off a cliff because he hadn't been on campus in so long.
that how it all went down. hope you can all join us next time, and i hope you found the map a useful guild. hope to see you all tonight if the weather is good.


EriC said...

That sounds like an awesome time, I can't wait!

Katie said...

Give me a call when you do that course... it looks pretty sweet!@#!@